2 avril 2012 1 02 /04 /avril /2012 15:29




Certificate:Universal ( U )



The stars


Keira Knightley ( Elisabeth Bennet) plays the main character in Pride and Prejudice She also played in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Matthew Macfadyen ( Mr.Darcy) is also the main character in  Pride and Prejudice  and he is also a drama teacher.

Then Rosamund Pike ( Jane Bennet), Simon Woods (Mr Bingley)

and Rupert Friend ( Mr Wikham) are other characters in the film.

But Rosamund Pike and Rupert Friend also played in the film called « The Libertine ».



The plot of « Pride and prejudice »


In England in the late 18 century, the five Bennet sisters, from a penniless family of the bourgeoisie, must find husbands for their future.

When wealthy bachelor Charles Bingley comes to stay in the mansion nearby, Ms Bennet is quick to submit her eldest daughter Jane.

They like each other but the best friend of Bingley, aristocratic Darcy , does everything to prevent this marriage. This attitude provokes hatred of Jane ’s sister, the independent, reasonable, Elisabeth, who thinks that Darcy is very proud. Her opinion is conformed by Wikham a handsome officer, who told her of unsavory things on account of Darcy.

But Darcy gradually falls in love with Elisabeth and even thinks of marrying her, despite opposition from his powerful aunt, who can not accept a union between two such different social classes.

Finally , after many vicissitudes Elisabeth sees her prejudices against him disappear.

Darcy and Elisabeth end up falling into the arms of one another and Elisabeth accepts the marriage proposal of Darcy.



Best bits

- I liked when the family Bennet ( the mother and her five daughters) is (are) in the mansion of Bingley.

- I liked when, Elisabeth is in the mansion of Lady Catherine de Bourg and she plays the piano.

- I liked when it rained and when Darcy and Elisabeth cry.



Fave characters

My favorite characters are Mr Darcy, Elisabeth, Mr Bingley, Georgiana (sister of Mr Darcy), Jane, Kity (sister of Elisabeth), Mr Bennet and Lady Catherine de Bourg.

I liked these characters because they played very well.



Any weak bits

- I didn’t like when Lydia(Elisabeth's sister) fled with Wikham.

- When William Collins wants to marry Elisabeth.

- When Elisabeth believed Georges Wikham, he lies on Darcy.



Hit or miss

I advise you to see this film although it is very long because it is a fantastic love story which begins with misunderstanding.

As a result there is suspense.

I absolutely loved this movie because it was like in my imagination when i read a book.



Rating( 1 to 5)




* * * *
